Otley & North Leeds Cardiac Support Group

In conjunction with Active Leeds we host the Otley and North Leeds Cardiac Support Group, which holds meetings aimed at giving advice, reassurance and information to people who have had a cardiac event, including how they should feel after the event and how best to recover and rehabilitate and lead a heart-healthy lifestyle. The meetings also provide the opportunity to meet and to share cardiac experiences with other people who have had cardiac events.


The group is run by volunteers from the Wharfedale Cardiac Club, all of whom have had cardiac events and are able to share their experiences. We also have an expert guest speaker at each meeting covering cardiac related issues.


Meetings take place approximately once a month on Wednesday evenings in the Physiotherapy Gym at Wharfedale Hospital at 6.45pm for 7pm. Details on how to reach the gym can be found here.


Attendance at the meetings is free.  View the details of future meetings here.